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HMRC are conducting validation checks on furlough claims

HMRC are conducting validation checks on furlough claims

April Foster

We wanted to share with you and make you aware that HMRC are completing validation checks on some selected submitted furlough claims. This is not a scam and until contact is made with HMRC and the checks completed, the furlough claim will not be paid.
Initially HMRC will call the telephone number provided on the claim submission and if they have been unable to contact you they will send an email to the address provided on the claim form. The email will look like the example provided below.

If we are your registered agent, please forward the email to us and we can contact HMRC on your behalf and provide the information to complete the validation checks, or alternatively you can call the number in the email which is 0800 024 1222.
HMRC will ask for your accounts office number, email address, phone number and the furlough claim reference.

For further advice on any of the information contained in this article, or for help making a furlough claim, please contact your usual Moore adviser.