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At Moore, we deliver a robust and innovative approach to audit. We recognise the primary importance of internal control over financial reporting and for this reason our audit approach emphasises risk management, IT assurance, data analytics and financial reporting.

Service Details

Our key deliverables typically include, reports to the audit committee on significant risks, the design and implementation of internal control over financial reporting, IT controls and IT audit reports on transactions and processes, analytical procedures designed to explain variances between actual and expected performance, reporting under International Standards on Auditing, review engagements, assurance engagements and related services.


An audit’s primary objective is to provide an independent opinion on your annual accounts. It’s viewed by many as a necessary evil, but undertaking an audit can lead to significant benefits if approached in the right way.

Improving your systems and controls

Working in a business day-in day-out can mean concentrating on specific issues while failing to see the bigger picture. In looking at the business from a completely independent view, we are able to suggest ideas for improvement that may not have otherwise been considered.

Risk awareness

Risk and governance play an increasingly important role in many businesses, regardless of size or sector. Owners need to take an even more active role in managing all types of risk, from strategic to regulatory, operational to financial. An audit can be the perfect platform, providing assurance that the correct systems are in place to handle any potential risks that may arise.

Satisfying third party requirements

An audit does not just provide confidence to the owner that a business is in good shape, it also offers assurance to third parties. An audit permits a business’s stakeholders, such as shareholders, banks, suppliers, customers and staff, to make better-informed decisions about its current performance and their subsequent relationship with it, providing additional comfort when deciding whether to invest in, provide finance to or trade with that business.

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