Looking To Recruit? You Could Be Eligible For The Kickstart Scheme - MOORE
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Looking to recruit? You could be eligible for the Kickstart Scheme

April Foster

The government has created a new scheme to help get young people into work and to help boost the country’s economy.
In brief, the Kickstart Scheme is funding to cover the employment costs of a young person for a 6 month placement.
What is the criteria for the scheme? 
  • The scheme is open to any employer, regardless of size.
  • Must be aged between 16 and 24 years
  • Are claiming universal credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment
  • The placement must be a new job
  • The minimum number of hours worked is 25 per week
  • The placement is for 6 months
Applications for the scheme must be for a minimum of 30 job placements, however if you are unable to offer this many you can partner with other employers to reach the minimum.
What does the funding cover? 
  • 100% of the relevant minimum wage rate for 25 hours per week
  • Associated employer National Insurance contributions
  • Associated employer minimum automatic pension enrolment contributions
There is also £1,500 per job placement available for set up costs, support and training.
The scheme will initially be open until December 2021, with the option of being extended.
To find out more see HMRC website below:

If you have any queries please contact your usual Moore adviser.