The ESFA have published the Academy Accounts Direction for 19/20 Ann Mathias 17 June 2020 Share The Academies Accounts Direction (AAD) 19/20 has been published by the ESFA, you can view the direction here. Also issued is the carbon reporting, this applies to large academy trusts. Please click here to access the guidance. The main changes are: More information in the Trustees Report on the Trust’s success, employee engagement and business relationships Clarifying instances of irregularity, impropriety or non-compliance Explaining how audit arrangements are affected by the revised FRC Ethical Standard Referencing to a checklist of information ATs should provide for audit More guidance on funds where balances are zero or GAG pooled More guidance where subsidiaries are not consolidated Clarifying that the Accounting Officer to sign the regularity statement For large Mats and consuming more than 40,000KWH of energy then various disclosures required Teachers Pensions notes have been updated There is also a reference to various governance and good practice guidance. We will be holding an update course in July covering the updates and planning or the 2020 audit. If you wish to have details of this course please contact us stating that you would like to attend the webinar. Visit our education page. EducationFurther & higher education institutions