Academies Handbook - Andy speculates on what's in store 10 July 2015 Share "The 2015 Academy Financial Handbook (AFH) is due to be released any day now. What do I think is likely to be included this year?" writes Andrew Williams, Partner and Head of Education at Moore (South). "One of the hot topics in the last few years has been conflicts of interest in the public sector and it has been the subject of scrutiny from The National Audit Office and the Education Select Committee, The Committee concluded in their fourth report:- “Conflicts of interests in trusts are a real issue, as shown by the cases which have come to light so far, and they are magnified in the public eye by the latent potential for the misuse, apparent or actual, of public money. It is essential that academy trustees act as trustees and on the Nolan principles of conduct in public life. We acknowledge that the DfE has responded and strengthened the system but we believe that the Department should go further. We recommend that the DfE take further steps to strengthen the regulations for governance in academy trusts and that the EFA revise its guidance on at cost transactions to make expectations of academies clearer. (Paragraph 157). Andrew added "Therefore, the handbook will probably contain some clarification on the register of interests. Currently, the handbook states that Trusts should carefully consider whether to include the interests of other individuals. I expect this will be expanded to clarify differences between members or trustees and bring in additional disclosures on close family relationships." Having worked with academies for many years, we can help schools converting to academy status by guiding them through the transition process and offering ongoing support. This means we have a deep understanding of the challenges academies face, the most effective potential solutions, and the opportunities for future development. For more information on the services we can offer to the education sector please contact a member of the education team or your usual Moore Partner. Andrew Williams, Head of Education. Tel:01722 420424 or:- Louise Hastings, Partner - Education. Email: Tel: 01243 520625 Danielle Griffin, Partner - Education Email: Tel: 01483 445756 Kevin Cooper, Partner - Education Email: Tel: 01983 824807 academiesacademyadviceauditbusiness adviceHead of EducationinterestInternal auditSchools