Non-resident directors: UK tax and compliance guide
Moore member firm Kingston Smith explores the rising trend of UK companies appointing non-resident directors or board members. While this can offer strategic benefits, it also introduces important tax, social security, and compliance challenges that businesses must carefully manage.
How to extract profits when doing business in the UK
When doing business in the UK, one of the most important considerations for business owners is how to extract profits from the business. When your business is international, this becomes complex. There is no single solution for every international business, so here we consider several options, including the less obvious.
Moore Kingston Smith advises RC365 as it lists on LSE
Moore Kingston Smith has supported RC365 Holding Plc on its fundraise of £2 million and admission to the London Stock Exchange on 23 March 2022.
Companies House - Introducing Register of Overseas Entities
The government is introducing a ‘Register of Overseas Entities’ to crack down on foreign criminals using UK property to launder money.
Plastic Packaging Tax: what do you need to know?
From 1 April 2022, the UK government introduced a new Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) at a rate of £200 per metric tonne to incentivise businesses to increase their use of recycled plastic and combat the level of single use plastic heading towards landfill or incineration.
Government bans Russian businesses from using UK professional services
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has announced that all Russian businesses will be banned from using the services of UK accountants and other professional services including PR and management consulting.
Ukraine - help and guidance for businesses and investors
With the situation in Ukraine showing little sign of abating in the short term, Moore UK member firm Moore Kingston Smith is providing practical guidance and advice for businesses and private investors.