UK signs new Double Tax Treaties with Jersey, Guernsey and the IOM
On 2 July 2018, the UK signed new double tax treaties with Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. This is a welcome update and unsurprising since the current double tax treaties were entered into in the 1950s, albeit intermittent updates have been made since then.
Draft Finance Bill measures
The Government has today issued for consultation draft legislation intended for inclusion in the Finance Bill to be introduced later this year, after the Autumn Budget. This extends to 226 pages of legislation and 143 pages of explanatory notes.
UK overseas territories to make ownership registers public
The UK parliament has decided to impose, unilaterally, a public beneficial ownership register for companies registered in the countries comprising the British Overseas Territories.
Outstanding provisions from the pre-election Finance Act
Prior to the General Election, the Finance Bill that was then before Parliament was passed in truncated form, to become the Finance Act 2017. The then Government indicated that if it was returned to power it would introduce another Finance Bill containing the provisions that had been omitted.
Protect yourself from phishing scams
The recent cyber attacks around the world have highlighted the need to ensure individuals are aware of the risks posed by phishing scams and are not tricked into either downloading harmful material online or providing personal or financial information to fraudsters.