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How will accounting systems handle the introduction of VAT on school fees?

With VAT on school fees being introduced in January 2025, it's important that your accounting system is compatible with the new requirements. The system should comply with Making Tax Digital (MTD) regulations and be listed on the official government website for MTD-compliant VAT software. Find software for Making Tax Digital for VAT.

FRS 102: Changes to recognition, measurement and disclosure

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has made changes to accounting standard, FRS 102, The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The amendments will impact the amounts recognised within the financial statements, and additional disclosures will be required.

How to make the most of partnerships

It is in human nature that when we face challenges in our individual or organisational life we reach out for support. Problems can be solved, and risk diminished when we pool our expertise, energy, and insight. This is equally true for nonprofit organisations which unless underpinned by major sources of funding, may struggle to balance resources with their ability to deliver their planned impact.

HMRC technical note announces VAT on school fees

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) have released a technical note and draft legislation outlining the new government’s plan to implement VAT on private school fees, fulfilling their recent pledge.

VAT on school fees – your questions answered

With new VAT rules set to take effect soon, many parents are wondering how these changes will impact school fees. To help clarify what to expect, we've answered some of the most common questions, starting with how VAT will apply to fees paid in advance for terms beginning after January 1, 2025.

Planning for VAT on school fees – are you ready?

With the introduction of VAT on private school fees coming into force from 1 January 2025, how prepared are you and what are you doing about it? It’s crucial to assess your readiness and take proactive steps now. 

Moore supports Ukraine: Real, tangible and necessary help

The outbreak of war in Ukraine in February 2022 shocked and saddened the world. Since then, we’ve seen the devastation caused, from lives lost to mass displacement. The need for vital resources, including electricity and medical supplies, is enormous.  

What are the benefits of filing your tax return early?

It can be a misconception that you must wait until January to file your tax return.

Moore East Midlands welcomes Laura Blows as new Senior Tax Manager

Moore East Midlands is pleased to announce the addition of Laura Blows as Senior Tax Manager in the Peterborough office.

What qualifies for IHT Business Relief | Business relief and inheritance tax

There are several types of reliefs from Inheritance Tax (IHT), one of which is IHT Business Relief. This can be a significant tax benefit for those with business interests, potentially offering either 50% or 100% relief from IHT on the value of business assets if certain criteria are met.

Moore Kingston Smith expands with acquisition of Moore Northern Ireland

Moore Kingston Smith and Moore Northern Ireland, two longstanding Moore UK member firms, announce their new partnership.  

Automatic PAYE refunds are no longer issued

As of April 2024, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will no longer issue automatic PAYE (Pay As You Earn) tax refunds.